Rosebud's Friends

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crispy Potato Delights

This is one of fiances favorite treats.. They are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and perfectly salty.

The "Food Thesaurus" told me that it is best to use Russet Potatoes (regular baking potatoes) because they crisp up and brown best.

FYI. The "Food Thesaurus" is one of my favorite tools for exploring different cooking methods and food substitutions:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

All you need is four ingredients:

1) 2 potatoes - this will easily serve 4 people

2) Kosher salt

3) 1/8 cup rice flour

4) 3 tbsp oil (canola, olive, corn - whatever you please)

Peel the skins off of the potatoes. Once you have reached the white flesh start peeling the potato flesh into a mixing bowl. FYI - this takes a little bit of time and this process can be expedited if you have a mandolin.. Once you have two potatoes "peeled" pat the potatoes with paper towel or dish towels until they are quite dry.

Add 1/8 cup of rice flour and oil and add salt.

Prepare a baking sheet with parchment and make little stacks of shaved potatoes about the size of a small fist.

Sprinkle a little salt on top and pop them in the oven for 30 minutes!

PS. No need to be a slave to the recipe - if you have a roast, chicken, lamb etc. in the oven (at lets say 350) put the potatoes in with it! no worries!)

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